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Repair or Replace

Why Dealers Love CPS

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Increased Profits Adding CPS's OTC Hearing Aid Warranty to your store will result in increased profit margins and a decrease in lost profit due to failed repairs.

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Risk Management As an additional layer of protection, you can increase your margins by offering this service to your customers and giving them peace of mind that they are covered when something goes wrong.

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Peace of Mind Insurance-backed warranty ensures homeowners will not have to pay for labor or replacement if the manufacturer is insolvent.

Hearing Aid Warranty Features CPS OTC Hearing Aid Coverage Includes

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Why Customers Love CPS

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Simple Claims Process There are no long forms to fill out, no waiting for parts, and no hassles - we do all the work for you.

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Comprehensive Coverages We provide world-class coverage for over-the-counter hearing aids, including full parts and labor for damage and product malfunctions.

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50,000 Repair Centers No matter where your customers are in the US, we've got repair centers to assist them at the time of claim.

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